Wednesday, February 11, 2015


This anonymous ad appeared in this weeks edition of the TI Sun.

Who is responsible?
Why would anyone want to kill SASS?
Who doesn't want the public to read the SASS report?
Who is afraid of  the SASS report and why?
Is big wind involved?


Anonymous said...

Y​ou know if I were an anti-SASSer I'd be complaining bitterly about all the anti-wind folks running the SASS effort. I'd be complaining this was all about wind, one final nail in the coffin. But no, ​not a word. I think not mentioning big wind is telling. No mention of wind makes me think big wind is back. What single development alternative has the most to fear from SASS? Big wind is it. Why so much anger and heat - new wind leasers, new money! It also explains why they need to kill the report before it is made public, because they can't afford to let the SASS report drum up too much enthusiasm for the pretty Thousand Islands. Yup, Big Wind has sneaked back in town and they've started spreading their fear, their uncertainty and their doubt. They've also spread their money, hence the full page ad in the Sun. Ugh, here we go again!

Anonymous said...

You people are nuts. Big wind is dead in our area. Although something else big may be looming. I agree why else would they be so crazy. Money always makes people go crazy.

Anonymous said...

You think big wind is dead because the wind companies have stopped pursuing the projects in the Cape, Brownville, Clayton, Orleans, and Hammond.
In reality, they pushed the pause button until they again can get their production credit money from the Feds and the State because Industrial Wind isn’t profitable without these subsidies.
AWEA states in their website at:
"America needs to extend the PTC
That’s the good news. The bad news is that the PTC was allowed to expire at the end of 2013. Congress must act quickly to extend the PTC. Failure to do so will kill jobs and roll back progress that the nation has made to diversify its electricity portfolio."
Industrial Wind knows that as we run into trouble with our aging electrical grids, or for a number of other reasons can’t supply electrical power as wanted, that all electrical power sources will be addressing all levels of government demanding instant action and an open wallet.
I agree with the comments of 9:38 AM .
“ What single development alternative has the most to fear from SASS? Big wind is it. Why so much anger and heat - new wind leasers, new money! It also explains why they need to kill the report before it is made public, because they can't afford to let the SASS report drum up too much enthusiasm for the pretty Thousand Islands. Yup, Big Wind has sneaked back in town and they've started spreading their fear, their uncertainty and their doubt. They've also spread their money, hence the full page ad in the Sun. Ugh, here we go again!”

Anonymous said...

10:30, anything is possible, but I doubt the anti-SASS folks are pro-wind, at least not H Demmick and his Carolina scientist Droz.

Anonymous said...

Demick has his own nutzo agenda.
Listening to him, ranting making excuses
"I signed this I didnt sign that "
"I didn't know about it, but I signed up for that"
Dodge ball DEMICK Style.
Question is what is his motivation? And what is his plan?
Maybe something else, if you can imagine any plan he has will surely profit him at the expense Of the community.The alternative to not support something as benign and possibly beneficial as SASS is either profit driven or just stupidity.
Please, this right out of a kindergarten play book.
Ranting about a process he was involved in from the get go. He likes to forget there are written and recorded records than make it absolutely clear he was informed all they way. Now for what ever reasons he wants to play dumb. Well he sure looks it.Ask the town attorney about his involvement. No, you got two choices: some one is afraid SASS is going to cut into their personal pocket books or they are just drinking the nutzo cool aid.

Anonymous said...

We have enough regulation and more would be detrimental to development.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is with H Demmick and company? Sounds,looks and smells like he wants to impeach the supervisor and and take over the position.BEWARE !!

Anonymous said...

For those of you who obviously can’t read: SASS HAS NO REGULATORY POWER.
But for those of you who can read and oppose “government regulations” go to the DEC, ARMY CORPS, FISH AND WILDLIFE web sites for starters (there are more) and check out the regulations that exist and will continue to do so no matter what happens to SASS. What you have done with your foolish opposition to SASS is aroused a larger than you think group of folks who are tired of you ignoring these regulations in your day to day lives to the detriment of us all. These folks will be watching your every violation and make sure the right agency will be called to investigate your violations. Yes, believe it.
And while you’re at it individuals and town government officials who fear big government and regulations PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING: review the last ten years (or if you can’t think back that far last two years) and add up your state and federal government subsides (including farm tax abatement), other town tax abatement, government subsidies for your roads and schools, grants in aid, welfare checks, food stamps and taxes you should have paid for under the table employment, tax penalties for employers who paid under the table AND WRITE A CHECK TO THE GOVERNMENT YOU FEAR. While you’re at it throw in something for military expenses that keep you free to do and say what you want. Then when your bill is paid you and your town can be free to secede and be free of the regulations you fear.
No you have bigger things to fear than poor little toothless SASS, fear your own selfish ignorance and foolish arrogance. Anti-SASS “sentiment” is not about SASS is it? For you poor volunteers who have worked hard to help the region to get the highly prized SASS designation for no personal gain for you: REMEMBER NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED. Perhaps you should focus on folks who really deserve your hard work.

Anonymous said...

HD can't govern his own behavior.
How could he govern a town, get over yourself Mr. D.

Anonymous said...

What is going on in that town?
Why are they messing with the rest of us?
Their town is a mess, now they want to make the rest of the towns crazy and have picked out a few other wing nuts in other decaying towns to help them.
You like it so much then stay home.

Anonymous said...

what about transparency?
seems like Demick and Langtry AGAIN
what bull

Anonymous said...

The writing is on the wall. Who would have the vested interest and money to sponsor such an ad?