Friday, March 6, 2015

Big Galloo Island, NY

How many Eagles will Bill Moore Kill?

Hounsfield Wind Farm

Old Bird, Inc.605 W. State St.Ithaca, NY 14850

 Bald Eagles (NYS: Threatened) had increased notably by the February 14 survey. This also corresponded with an increase in ice around the island. Bald Eagles frequently roosted on the piles of ice that formed on the shoal near the northeastern end of the island. While most Bald Eagle activity was observed out over the water, on the February 14 survey five Bald Eagles were seen roosting in the island’s interior. These birds were perched in trees along the edges of the forested portion of the island. On the March 10 survey, two juvenile Bald Eagles were seen feeding on a deer carcass that lay several hundred meters from the shoreline. Bald Eagles were occasionally seen soaring over the island. On the March 10 survey, two subadult Bald Eagles soared together with a subadult Golden Eagle to 300 meters agl over the center of the island. Most Bald Eagle transit was observed over the water parallel to the eastern side of the island. Bald Eagles that were perched inland typically flushed when the snowmobile or ATV came in their proximity.

 The report above indicates that Bald Eagles are native to Galloo Island. This is the Island where developer  Bill Moore is proposing to build an industrial scale Bald Eagle grinding wind project.

Currently the  DEC is requesting public comments for it's 2015 Bald Eagle Conservation Management Plan .
Please go to the link below and make a comment, these majestic creatures need our protection from needless slaughter.


DRAFT Conservation Management Plan 2015
Open for Public Comment
New York DEC has recently finished a draft 2015 Bald Eagle Conservation Management Plan that is now available for public comment. The plan focuses on providing the people of New York the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of the wildlife of the State, now and in the future. This shall be accomplished through scientifically sound management of wildlife species in a manner that is efficient, clearly described, consistent with law, and in harmony with public need.

  • Download plan for viewing and printing: NYS Bald Eagle Conservation Management Plan(PDF) (1.7MB)
  • Public comment deadline: April 10, 2015
  • How to submit comments: Comments can be submitted by e-mail to: "Bald Eagle" in subject line)


Anonymous said...

You are right to publicize the hypocrisy of the state when they draft a Bald Eagle Conservation Plan while at the same time will consider issuing a permit for Moore's wind farm to take (kill) Bald Eagles. They must think we are all very stupid. The state can't be allowed to sanction the killing of eagles for questionable renewable energy projects that exist only because of government handouts. They must be crazy.

Anonymous said...


You give the government of the State of New York way too much credit for policy coordination.

Support the Eagle Conservation Plan. It is a good thing. It stands on its own for its inherent benefit.