Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wildlife experts: Huron turbines could kill thousands of bats

By Chris Aldridge Tribune Staff Writer BAD AXE —

 Round Island Light Lake Huron Michigan

 To clear the air on what some county officials called a “wishy-washy” stance, U.S. Fish and Wildlife biologists visited Huron County on Wednesday to affirm that wind turbines should not be sited within three miles of Great Lakes shorelines. Jeff Gosse and Scott Hicks of the Fish and Wildlife Service presented results of a Huron County study funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, conducted in 2011 and 2012, to county commissioners and planners in two separate meetings on Wednesday.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please email in your comment in support of the NY DEC Bald Eagle Conservation initiative. It matters. This initiative will get more backing if DEC can show that it is widely popular. "Widely popular" means us. Numbers matter.

Just write a one line email to and say you support the Bald Eagle plan. Be sure to put bald eagle in the subject line of your email.

Just do it -- for the eagles and for yourself.