
Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Final Thousand Islands Regional Assessment report has been released

The Final Thousand Islands Regional Assessment report has been released and is available on the SASS website.

  The report will be held on file with the Department of State and on the SASS website for the foreseeable future.


  1. A shame that SASS was mischaracterized as being something insidious when in fact it is nothing of the kind. Some people chose to make some larger political points on the back of SASS. Those larger political points have no relevance to SASS.

  2. It's time to start a grass roots effort at lobbying for the towns to reconsider this important designation.

  3. Good to know that the DOS will have all of the data on file for future use. We all know the region is precious and worthy of a plan, someday so will enlightened officials.

  4. Thank you to all of the hard working people who made this report a reality. They get lost in the political bickering. Our communities need people to step up and want to be actively engaged. I hope this does not discourage them.
