Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hudson Energy’s Phony Visual Simulation of their Galloo Wind Project Proposal

 Last evening Hudson Energy began their public involvement program with the Town of Henderson by providing a visual simulation from the Town of Lyme.  What?

Given the concerns that Henderson residence have voiced with the PSC over the Galloo project’s visual impacts on their town, you would think Hudson would have prepared a simulation from the shores of Henderson, not Lyme. What were Moore and Habig (Hudson’s leadership)  thinking?  Perhaps they thought it might deflect more severe criticism of their project from Henderson residents if they provided a simulation from another town, any place other than the shores of Henderson.

Below is a rendition of Hudson’s simulation that might help Henderson residents better gauge visual impacts from Hudson’s project on their community, call this image Phony Galloo Simulation ver. 2.


Disgusted said...

What we all understand from Wolfe Island is that the nighttime visual impact may be the worst aspect of it.

Anonymous said...

As badly done as it may be, one would think this visual simulation would be enough. Who can look at this image objectively and not be repulsed at the total transformation of this Island refuge??