Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nothing but hot air: Wind farm would offer little in economic benefits for region

Today’s Watertown Daily Times editorial gets right down to the real nitty gritty concerning the Galloo Island Industrial wind project.  

"Where are the advantages to approving such a plan?"

 Don Alexander~JCIDA & Developer Bill Moore 

Jefferson County legislators sound like they are leery of the wind farm proposed for Galloo Island. Good. Unless Hudson can show some major benefits for the region, there’s no point in approving the project for anything less than full taxes forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet another stake into the heart of Galloo and Horse Creek. This PILOT position drawn in the sand by the Watertown Daily Times is a game-changer for any wind developer who has eyes on the wind resource of Jefferson County, NY. The Madison wind farm operator who was repulsed by the vision of full taxation after their PILOT expires has exposed the industry's Achilles heal - they want every nickel of revenue and don't believe they need to share a penny with taxing authorities. The Madison developer's inaction will be shown to have killed any prospect of developing wind in Jefferson County. Thank you Madison.