Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jefferson County to implement new tax abatement policy for alternative energy projects

The Jefferson County Board of Legislators is scheduled to introduce a policy requiring alternative energy projects to pay the county its full share of property taxes regardless of a payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement.

According to the resolution, which will be...

Continue reading via this link to the Watertown Daily Times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pandora, to report on an unrelated topic, did you notice the bruhaha going on in Alex Bay? The WDT only has half the story. Ron Thompson, head of the Bay Chamber of Commerce was highly critical of the SASS initiative and the folks who organized it and advocated for it. Steve Ritigliano was vocally opposed to industrial wind in the Chaumont area and was an advocate for the SASS initiative. Dare we say this is small-minded political retribution by Thompson?? Discrimination under the guise of protecting the local Chamber members?? Tch, Tch how petty!!

The WDT needs to motivate their reporters to dig for the real story!