Sunday, July 24, 2016

 Lyme ~ What lies beneath Supervisor Aubertine’s Apathy?

Supervisor Scott Aubertine was quoted in the Watertown Daily Times as saying, “If they come in,we will use any revenue that they give us,and if they don’t come in we’ll continue to operate under budget as we have always.”

Aubertine’s quote in today’s Watertown Times is understandable considering his past supportive position on wind development. In a 2011 news video he dismissed the results of a wind power survey in the town of Lyme saying it's too heavily weighted with seasonal residents' opinions. To further clarify his position against “Seasonals” Aubertine posted a letter on his website explaining that he would “rather lose an election than lose friends.” These stated positions in the past help explain Aubertine’s reluctance to get involved in an issue if it could jeopardize his local friendships.

Transcript: Scott Aubertine letter link here
Video: Despite Survey, Lyme Wind Power Controversy Not Over Link here
Aubertine letter Revenues from wind turbines can benefit towns: Link here

1 comment:

Gunther Schaller said...

I appreciate the depth of your database. Mr. Aubertine's position as Town Supervisor is untenable and has been for years. He has openly abdicated his responsibility to represent all his constituents, not just his buddies. If his friendships are more important than his oath of office he should resign or be impeached. I have no problem with elected officials expressing their personal convictions, in fact I will stand up for and defend their rights, but they have no right to subvert the process to further their personal agendas. It is time for the "out of towners" to start recognizing their political clout and change their voter registration to those places where their votes will actually make a difference.