
Thursday, May 4, 2017

JCIDA committee to discuss Apex Clean Energy’s PILOT application later this month

WATERTOWN — Donald C. Alexander decided that the payment-in-lieu-of tax agreement application from the developer of the Galloo Island Wind project was suitable and the Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency’s loan review committee will discuss it May 19. Continue reading via this link to the Watertown Daily Times


  1. In July of last year the JCIDA chair announced: "no conflict with the county" on PILOT policy. The county has wisely concluded that the industrial wind projects like the ones planned for Galloo Island and Horse Creek don't merit any tax abatements. They offer few permanent jobs and may have long lasting negative economic impact on the county. The lure of $$$$$ must have motivated the JCIDA to reconsider. Are the production tax credits and the subsidized rates for what is touted as "green" energy not enough? Do we really have to provide additional incentives to lure projects into the county that will have a net negative impact on the people living here? How long are we standing by while unelected "officials" decide the future of our county? Where is the leadership of the Jefferson County legislature that appoints these people and does nothing to supervise their activities? When a project like Galloo Island Wind gets a tax break, it's people like you and I who have to subsidize the project. A small convenience store will employ more people than a giant wind farm and have no negative impact on the community, jet it will not get a PILOT. There is something rotten in Denmark! (Yes, and in Copenhagen, Deer River and Hounsfield, too).

  2. Right you are but when discussed with people like alDrake hes siding with big wind...
