Saturday, June 25, 2011

Article X ~ The price of Power

I received this interesting commentary in an email from a reader.


My latest concern is the current article regarding CUOMO, Not the GAY issue, although it certainly is a timely distraction. As follows:

" ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Legislature are on the cusp of passing the most important bill most New Yorkers never heard of.

The so-called Article X bill would allow new and improved power plants to be built in New York state again. The law that specifies several environmental protections lapsed nearly 10 years ago. Cuomo has said New York needs more power as it tries to emerge from the recession. More power plants could also reduce the need to keep some of New York's aging nuclear power plants on line. The bill could be passed as early as Thursday

" The fact that ACCIONA needs environmental restrictions removed to gain access to wetlands and avoid further delays in their planning means that Cuomo is well within the circle of insiders who will give them what they want. Cuomo gains a homogenized constituency. Considering the already rampant conflict of interest involved, I'd say he stands to gain quite well financially. Evidently, this conflict of interest has gone from a handful of local Town Board members to a much larger political cabal. I'd say the average homeowner and energy user will learn much too late the added burden it will cost them. To those who rejoice in the GAY marriage issue, I hope you take the time to be socially responsible. It may already be too late to change the course NY is on along with so many other parts of the country. There is a power struggle , and it involves more than just electricity and wind power. It's the power of the people that is disappearing as one group gets a petty gain in this "Liberal" distraction. Now you know why liberal is such a dirty word.


As Article X nears passage, the issue regarding eminent domain gets more likely. Wind power is about to become a "necessary public project" and landowners will find themselves powerless. Pun Intended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's the power of the people that is disappearing as one group gets a petty gain in this "Liberal" distraction. Now you know why liberal is such a dirty word."

Well have your deluded email contributor go back and do a little more reearch and look at the campaign contributions to Republican "conservative" former NY Sen. James Wright from 2000 to 2008, in the heart of the wind ramp up in NY. He represented this area. Oh and he just happened to sit at the head of the NY Senate energy committee. It reads like the who'e who of wind development with AES Acciona right near the top of the list for Christ sake.

Of course then you have those other little wind names like:

The American Wind Association
GE Wind Energy
Whiteman Osterman and Hanna
Flat Rock Wind Power (Maple Ridge)
Friends of Patty Ritchie
Florida Power and Light (Big time wind developer)
Alliance for Clean Energy...

...and more.

I am neither liberal or conservative, but if you think wind is a liberal issue, then you are badly deluded. Oh yeah and where is Sen. Wright now. Sitting at the head of the Development Authority of the North Country, you know, they own the water line from Cape Vincent right where the Acciona BP power line is going to run.