Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cape Vincent ~Asbestos Abetement

Recently I have been hearing about Asbestos buried at the former Pump house in the Village of Cape Vincent. I do not know the history behind the Asbestos . But I do know that it is fairly expensive to remove
Below is a PRE ~ Bid Estimate for the Asbestos removal
Link to document here
Village of Cape Vincent Board of Trustees November 9, 2010
Mayor Timothy D. Maloney opened the meeting at 5:30 PM with Trustees Joseph Gould, Douglas Putnam, Alan Ada and Pam Youngs present.
Mary Cecil, Bernier and Carr updated the Board on what steps need to be taken for the incidental disturbance at the former pump house site on Real Street. Ms. Cecil explained the Village must now have the asbestos abatement procedure followed which began with a variance filed and now the Village needs to move forward and clean up the site. She recommends the project be put out to bid for the most competitive price. There are not many options available to the Village to curtail costs due to State regulations. Trustee Gould made the motion to bid the project with Trustee Youngs seconding the motion and all voting yes. The bids will be opened and read on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 2:00 PM.


Anonymous said...

Who was in charge of this?
Why was it covered up instead of cleaned up in the first place?
Is there a fine that goes with trying to initially trying to cover it up?
How long will the street be closed off? Are they going to move the pole that was installed in the middle of the public area?

Is there no end to the incompetence in our Government?

Anonymous said...

And why do the taxpayers end up paying for this mess?