Dawn Munk , a Spokes Person For Voters For Wind Or BP?
MS. Munk Was quoted in the Watertown Times in Regard to Cape Vincent's economic report and the subsequent evaluation of the report by M. McCann an appraisal expert
"The studies that we have seen have reported pretty much across the board insignificant property value decrease," said Dawn M. Munk, a Three Mile Bay member of Voters for Wind. And in those cases where there was a decrease in property value, it was usually before the installation of the wind farm or immediately thereafter. Then, property values went back up very quickly."
Dawn Munk is a member of Voters For Wind But who are Voters For Wind Their beginnings date back to 2007 here is a little history about Voters For Wind~
Saturday Oct. 13 2007
BP’s Cape Vincent Wind Farm open house in Chaumont brought out citizens from the community gathered to protest BP’s Industrial wind project. However, the protesters were not the only ones there
BP had their representatives as well.
Representatives from the Cape Vincent Wind Farm were unfazed by the people who chose to walk in protest outside the fire hall.
“Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and their own concerns,” said Marion Trieste, of Green Energy Outreach Services. “This is America.” .
Coincidentally this open house for Cape Vincent Wind farm was the public debut for a new “Grass Roots” organization Voters for Wind according to Chairwoman Beth A. White. Voters for Wind’s twenty members had been meeting quietly in Three Mile Bay since June
"We thought this open house was a perfect forum for us to start promoting our group," Mrs. White said.
The group's mission is to promote the Cape Vincent Wind Farm. While Voters for Wind is concerned only with the proposal put forward by BP Alternative Energy, it may one day expand its mission statement to include supporting other wind farms, Mrs. White said. And, that it has. Voters For Wind has become an incestuous organization ~ Jim Madden stated to a Watertown Times reporter that Marion Trieste was hired by BP to do outreach work . After reading Dawn Munk’s testimonial letter it is obvious what Madden meant by outreach work.
Marion Trieste managing director of Geo’s Global, helped Voters For Wind develop their mission statement, elect officers develop bylaws, and begin the task of reaching out to others. Marion Trieste has been guiding Voters For Wind every step of the way, providing VFW with information suggestions and technical and moral support. Marion Trieste has assisted in planning and organizing community events, fund raising events and have assisted us in learning how to utilize the media to spread our message. Marrion Trieste attend their monthly meetings. Dawn Munk: “On a personal level, I am grateful to Maz and all of the staff at GEOS who have encouraged me and introduced me to grassroots organization, where a committed group of diverse individuals really can come together and make a difference. A voter for wind is like a family and GEOS is very definitely part of our family.
Sincerely, Dawn M.Munk “
Dawn Munks Testimonial letter written to Geos Global
That's a good point. The rabid pro-wind have shown time and again how low some of them are willing to stoop. There seems to be no limit to what they'll do, and I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.
Wind is a dirty business
ok boys and girls just drink the kool aid and you get a free green t shirt .
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