
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Issa to launch probe of Obama actions on Solyndra, LightSquared -

Issa to launch probe of Obama actions on Solyndra, LightSquared - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

By Justin Sink - 09/20/11 09:55 AM ET

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Tuesday that his committee plans to investigate government loan programs to private corporations in light of allegations of improper dealings between the White House and failed energy company Solyndra and wireless startup LightSquared.  More from the Hill's Blog Briefing Room.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the comment from the Spanish government that said, after it cut subsidies by 30%, that it would need to seek other sources of investment into its own solar/wind turbine industry. Specifically, the United States. When I sent my daughter off to college she already had 6 years of Spanish. It'll come in handy when she looks for a job. She's also studying special needs education. It appears she could do very well in Cape Vincent when she graduates. Those who got this country in this situation most likely have children. Please, no indignation. This country has been run by C minus types way too long. Ethics didn't change with Obama, he simply perpetuates the problems. Neither party reigned in the corruption of the previous administration, and even now, this action only shows what barn doors were left open. Such as the continued bail outs,foreclosures, and derivatives trading. Along with two wars that the previous administration said wouldn't be "another Vietnam". That was true, it's been far more costly. No wonder foreign countries can just walk right in while we have to take our shoes off just to visit a foreign country. As a Vietnam Veteran, and an intelligence specialist, I see things in a clear light. It's pretty dark in America, and it's getting worse.
