
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sen. Johnson: Investigate 'green energy' bankruptcies -

Sen. Johnson: Investigate 'green energy' bankruptcies - 93 Rock Wisconsin Rock Music Radio

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(WSAU) U-S Senator Ron Johnson is co-sponsoring a bill to require federal investigations into companies that go bankrupt after getting renewable energy funds.

The Wisconsin lawmaker is teaming up with fellow Republican David Vitter of Louisiana – who’s critical of White House loan guarantees given to Solyndra Incorporated of Fremont California. Critics said the White House rushed the approval without enough oversight. The company filed for Chapter-11 bankruptcy earlier this month, and laid off all of its 1100 employees.
 .link 93 ROCK NEWS


  1. "July 2005: The Bush Administration signs the Energy Policy Act of 2005 into law, creating the 1703 loan guarantee program."
    Bush was in the process of providing additional loans to Solyndra when Obama took office. Obama has since done exactly what Bsh would have done, and had actually initiated with 1703. All in addition to bailing out AIG and Goldman / Sachs who owns the Fed and over half of the American debt. Firther proof that the Obama administration is simply a continuation of the Bush Administration.Obama is all talk, and alll of his actions are no different than the last 6 administrations. Read the entire report on the topic on this link; < >

  2. Landowners would be smart to read lease agreement laws. What happens to these wind turbines if they are abandoned on your property? According to one state, severance of a lease agreement defaults the wind turbines and electrical lines to the landowner. In effect, if these things are abandoned, as they will be, "salvage" and liabilities belong to the landowner. The salvage value of a turbine can be considerable. Especially if it can still generate electricity. I've seen salvaged wind turbines for sale for between $60 and $80 thousand.
    let's say this is just another scam. Homes are sold 4 times market value and the banks foreclose when the buyer can't pay. Then, the homes are sold again as distressed properties and the cycle begins again. meanwhile, the banks were given all of that equity in interest because the "derivatives" were included with the bail out.The banks goit their money, no conditions attached, and they get to sell the property all over again under the same laws. Waste and fraud, and the consumer gets screwed every time. This is why the country is in such horrible shape. So much for "economics".

  3. "Green Energy", the Green Light to fraud. It started with the Savings and Loans, and it just goes on and on. All of these schemes originated in Texas and Texas lawyers learn all about it at University of Texas campuses in Austin and Arlington.Texas is also where the Savings and Loans scandal was started. Neil Bush walked away with $500 million from Silverado S&L alone. Guess what, that little "bailout" went into the Federal deficit. Federal meaning private banks such as the Federal Reserve.No one cares that private banks hold $4.9 TRILLION in debt "owed" by the American people because of these very scams. It's all about debt servitude. Get it?
