The other day I did a post about the zoning law committee and how their use of acronyms to describe wind energy systems is a little confusing.
For example:
WECS Wind energy Conversion System
SWECS Small Wind Energy Conversion System
WEF Wind Energy Facility.
In response to my post, a sharp reader sent me an email indicating that the zoning law committee may have bigger acronym problems than I had previously pointed out. At issue is the acronym for solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS.)
Whomever is delegated to present the ins and outs of SECS at the public hearings, could start by explaining that the Zoning law committee has taken an in-depth look at SECS on the internet and has decided that Cape Vincent prefers SECS on house roofs and small sites but wishes to handle large SECS under a special use permit.
The applicants (and there will likely be many in Cape Vincent) will be required to "tell it all" in their application for special permits.
Additionally, the presenter will be required to ensure that everyone knows what is about to happen on sunny days in open spaces. Just think, maybe this is the type of business we welcome
- no stacks unless one smokes after SECS.
I think this may just spell the end of acronyms in our law.