Recently I posted a letter to the Editor by Clif Schneider, concerning Atmospheric stability and wind turbine noise.
A comment came in questioning Clif Schneider’s credentials.
Excerpt: Why should we believe him over the real experts in the Wind field?
I had a teacher years back hold up the New York Times and say don't believe anything your read in this rag - and he read the Times every day front to back. He held up our textbook and also said don't believe anything your read in this text either. His point was that as responsible citizens you need to question what your read and become knowledgeable about a topic so that you can distinguish seed from the chaff, or in the case of the wind issue - the lies from either side.
I like the cartoon, Mr. Lowenstein would also suggest that just because it is a brochure by company in the wind industry doesn't mean the brochure is full of lies, but you better start out thinking its full of lies as you begin your quest to find the truth.
Understanding anything is about using different sources of information and weighing the message and the messenger. If you did that you might find that Schneider's report was quite reputable regardless of his qualifications. The truth lies in the message, not the messenger.
Perhaps so.
But, if you harass the messenger or better yet just shoot them, then you don't have to learn stuff or think so much.
Small Paul and the Wiley Kings
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