Alternative Energy Firms Don’t Have Power To Succeed
From the Boise Guardian
August 17, 2012
The thought of generating electricity using the natural power of the sun and wind struck a cord with environmentalists, investors, and legislators about 30 years ago. Federal and state tax dollars poured into the “alternative fuel” industry and laws requiring power companies to purchase the electricity from these sources came out of Washington and state legislatures.
Today the industry is on the ropes because it depended upon “free money.” Without the so-called incentives, these outfits can’t make it pencil out. Natural gas prices are at all time lows and that clean burning fossil fuel is looking better all the time–especially with construction of pipe lines to deliver the energy. Continue reading
When you think of JLL and Pandora's Box of Rocks, think of the community and the citizens of Cape Vincent who do not want to give up their town and their homes to industrial wind.
Are you one of them?
The Blogger's Defense Fund was set up by a number of Cape Vincent Citizens who are willing to vigorously defend the Bloggers and the citizens of Cape Vincent against those characters who have gone on public record as supporting Article X legislation that might give Bp corporate rule over Cape Vincent's municipal home in industrial wind matters.
It appears that this lawsuit is being used by Voters for Wind and the Citizens for Fair Government as a way of taking back the honest government and replacing it with a wind conflicted, pro-Bp, anti local rule group of wind puppets.
It is very likely that Voters for Wind and Citizens for Fair Government are getting advice from and the support of Bp's outside community organizer who has presented a community action plan which is perceived by anti-wind as insulting and vicious.
Please contribute to the defense of Cape Vincent against Voters for Wind, Citizens for Fair Government and their Bp friends.
Blogger's Defense Fund
Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY 13693
When you think of JLL and Pandora's Box of Rocks, think of the community and the citizens of Cape Vincent who do not want to give up their town and their homes to industrial wind.
Are you one of them?
The Blogger's Defense Fund was set up by a number of Cape Vincent Citizens who are willing to vigorously defend the Bloggers and the citizens of Cape Vincent against those characters who have gone on public record as supporting Article X legislation that might give Bp corporate rule over Cape Vincent's municipal home rule in industrial wind matters.
It appears that this lawsuit is being used by Voters for Wind and the Citizens for Fair Government as a way of taking back the honest government and replacing it with a wind conflicted, pro-Bp, anti local rule group of wind puppets.
It is very likely that Voters for Wind and Citizens for Fair Government are getting advice from and the support of Bp's outside community organizer who has presented a community action plan which is perceived by anti-wind as insulting and vicious.
Please contribute to the defense of Cape Vincent against Voters for Wind, Citizens for Fair Government and their Bp friends.
Blogger's Defense Fund
Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY 13693
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