
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Town of Cape Vincent Discussion Concerning Roger Alexander's Solar Array

Cape Vincent ~ Last night at the Town of Cape Vincent's Planning Board meeting a discussion took place regarding the permitting of Roger Alexanders solar array.

Video #1.

Art Pundt Addresses the CVPB
 Concerning the Permitting of
Roger Alexanders Solar Array

                                  Video #2


  1. So in fairness will there be a video 2 and 3 showing the other side of the Alexander permit story and how badly the permit is goofed up???

    Or the discussion of special use permits and how that should have applied to this permit issue.

  2. Thanks K for putting up my comments. However, some of my points were lost since the video was somewhat chopped up. Maybe that was a file size issue.

    I hope everyone who is interested will also review the Steve Weed video when it appears and I will have considerable explanation on my blog as well.

  3. Your points were not lost, they were repetitive. Suck it up because it appears that Mr. Mac and the others did it by the book and were professional enough to investigate the matter instead of jumping on a mis-directed opinion of an amateur mind.

  4. 6:14

    They DID NOT do it by the book. If you think they did then you are ill-informed. If they did it right why did they have to cancel the public hearing. If I and others and our amateur minds had not questioned it they would have improperly proceeded with site plan review. It is not the planning board's issue as the board of first jurisdiction. It is the ZBA that approves special use permits. They only investigated it AFTER we questioned it and then reversed course and turfed it under the old law because they realized they had screwed up.

    Then they turfed it to the old law, and that makes the project illegal since it never had a site plan review as a commercial project that it required. The permit is ILLEGAL!!! Read both laws.

    AND I have both permits old an new and BOTH are not complete or filled out correctly.
    If you look at table 8 in the new law this size commercial solar project is not allowed. Wonder why they didn't catch that...after all they wrote the law!

    Then Mr.Macsherry as an excuse says they don't take the law literally!! Oh that's great, so all those restrictive set backs and noise regulations for BP turbines are not literal, they are just sort of a suggestions???? Is he kidding ???

    For a detailed explanation see my blog where it is all posted with all the documentation.

  5. 7:59 "professional"

    Since when is "shuck and jive" considered professional?
