
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Town of Cape Vincent Town Board Meeting Privledge of the floor

Video #1
 Harvey White addressed the TOCVTB

Video #2
Dennis Pearson addresses the TOCVTB

Video #3
 Citizen Addresses the TOCVTB about getting water


  1. I wonder if the issue of not meeting with Chandler for a phone conference is some of BP's continue manipulation of VFW and the green shirts. What's the fuss. Wasn't BP suppose to originate the call? If there was no call, don't blame the town, but ask the question, "Why didn't Chandler call the town?"

  2. To claim the town is not open is plain BS. Mr. Fixit seems to have lots of time running around doing CFG errands. Yet ACCORDING TO A COMMITTEE MEMBER I ASKED, HE HAS NEVER ATTENDED ONE OF THE DOZENS OF A-10 MEETINGS THAT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC...
    Is his a case of the politically ignorant being manipulated by Bp?

  3. As for video 3...Thanks to the citizen...
    Hey folks, its election time. This was a great achievement by our town. When a candidate comes calling for your vote ask them what they will do to be sure District 2 and all water service including the village is in compliance. Also ask what they intend to do to make sure everyone has paid their water bills and are up to date.
    Instead of whacking away at our town and village officials with Bp nonsense, why not ask the CFG to investigate unpaid water bills, district 2 and assist in helping the whole town escape third world conditions and provide water for everyone. This would be a great project for the other two CFG video people in 1 and 2 who were blowing Bee Pee smoke for the CFG.

  4. Fixit once wrote a letter saying the community split was the fault of the people and not because of wind. He told the town it was their job to heal the community. Now, he and Mr. White have turned the tables and have spoken in defense of BP's shoddy PSC road to an application. The CFG is now turning the tables with an admission that their candidates are all about taking local control and giving it over to BP. Are the voters to now assume that the CFG's claim to heal are nothing more than support of BP by giving us candidates whose only real interest is paving an path for BP? Have they finally realized that wind towns never heal? Does Fixit not understand the history of what the CFG and Dems have put our town through? Just wondering and thanks for the speedy videos. Let me ask you this, Is that why they have chosen such weak candidates with little or no history of involvement in our town?

  5. Advice to Mr. Pearson: When your mind goes blank,turn off the sound.

  6. 11:51, more advice

    At the next meeting ask the other CFG candidates to stand up and read the script....

  7. I believe they are pulling some kind of cruel joke on Pearson by asking him to accuse the present town board of open meetings violations after their own actions. How can he not get it?

  8. Hey Bee Pee bozos. Read what DANC lawyers have to say about Bee Pee and their lack of cooperation and response. Bee Pee has been arrogant to everyone and every agency who need additional information. My money is that Chandler and Harris were the ones who refused to let a proper and productive phone conference happen.

  9. Don't forget the unpaid water bills owed to the Village in district 4. The Village can forget about ever getting their money. Oh well, the other Village taxpayers will kindly pick up the tab as usual. If I were a Village water user I would be asking a few questions about this topic that has been kept very quiet for quite some time.

  10. So...Harvey....if you got classified info from BP then why not share it with us. Or was it client-lawyer privilege that was not to be released? What's the deal, Harvey?
    I am not sure that lawyers serving clients can be foiled, Dennis....

  11. Look at it this way.

    The bp bozos of the CFG don't want some people who pay taxes here vote here. Yet they will take the word of out of towners Trieste and Chandler as the gospel.

  12. Don't Vote for a BP Bozo !

  13. There are times when certain people should simply sit down and be quiet.

  14. If Mr. Pearson and Mr. White want to find out what is holding up the BP Article 10 all they have to do is read the comments to the BP scoping. BP is not being forthcoming to any of the agencies including DANC who have an expressed interest in the health, safety, and economic well being of Jefferson County.
    Mr. White and Mr. Pearson are spinning the wheels with the local government on this issue. They have the right to respond to the PSC in any way they see fit within the law. There is nothing in there that says they have to meet with BP even though BP has not responded. I agree that to have carried on with the conference would have cost your town unnecessary funds and for White and Pearson to waste time to find out who or why a phone call did not take place is an admission of weakness in understanding the process.
